The Founding Spirit of Digital Hollywood University

The Founding Spirit of Digital Hollywood University

The creation and sharing of knowledge have always been a part of the history of humankind and is a hallmark of a highly evolved civilization and culture. Digital Hollywood University emphasizes the development of human resources who are capable of further advancing the human ability to express knowledge and communication with others to ensure human prosperity in the future as its founding spirit.

Mission and Purpose

In accordance with the Fundamental Law of Education, Digital Hollywood University has a mission to develop human resources who will be able to widely contribute to the development of society and the realization of associated research and development through higher education based on three concepts of authenticity, morality, and appearance.

Educational Research Objectives

School of Digital Communication puts a focus on teaching creativity, ICT, and language study as the three pillars of education aiming to nurture human resources endowed with judgment, creativity and communication skills necessary to contribute to global society.

University’s nameDigital Hollywood University
LocationSurugadai Campus
Tokyo, Chiyoda-ku, Ochanomizu 4-6 Ochanomizu Sola city Academia 3F/4F
Type of university4-year university
Course of studySchool of Digital Communication
Department of Digital Contents (Bachelor of Digital Contents)
Number of credits required to graduate124 credits
PresidentSugiyama Tomoyuki
School Establishment ApproverMinistry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology
Date of approvementNovember 30, 2004
Approve typeUniversities established by companies establishing schools under the Act on Special Zones for Structural Reform (applicable to Article 1 of the School Education Act)
Under the Act on Special Zones for Structural Reform, the University is subject to the following special measures.
School establishment projects by school establishment companies
University establishment project by lowering the school land area standard
School establishment companyDigital Hollywood Co.,Ltd
Date of establishmentApril 1st, 2005
Enrollment periodApril
Capacity1,000 students