Learn the liberal arts that generate new ideas and acquire creativity that never runs dry

DHU’s liberal arts courses are not general education but “liberal arts for creators”. The main focus of these courses is to increase students’ knowledge of the essence of the humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences. Its purpose is also to increase the number of creative ideas students can create. Since these courses are taken in the second year after students have completed the basics of specialized courses and international courses, students can select courses according to their interest in contents and the progress of their studies.

Taken from the second year

At DHU, liberal arts courses are taken from the 2nd to the 4th year, instead of the 1st and 2nd year as is typical in other universities. We believe that in the 1st year, it is important for students to focus on “hands-on” work such as creating assignments for specialized subjects. This allows students to realize the need for a wide range of knowledge, and then develop an attitude of trying to accumulate “knowledge”.

8 sessions per subject: Absorb condensed knowledge in a short period of time

Liberal arts courses are divided into three major categories: “Foundations,” “Sources of Knowledge,” and “Sociality,” and condense fields such as history, natural sciences, contemporary culture, religion, and law. In principle, the course is completed 8 times in total so that students can acquire diverse knowledge in a short period of time. Together with the quarter system, in which courses are offered four times a year, this system contributes to broadening the range of knowledge gained and fostering a unique world view.

Increase your repertoire of ideas necessary for creativity

For example, even in the area of “culture,” there are many classes on themes closely related to specialized subjects, such as Japanese and world cultural history, otaku culture as represented by Akihabara, fashion, and so on. Even in fields that at first glance may not seem related to creative activities, there are hidden seeds of ideas. This is the source of ideas that will allow you to continue your creative activities for the next 10 or 20 years.